OK, I got a little excited in my two recent posts about Google Voice (GV). To recap: I thought if Google would only take the phone number they issue you in Google Voice and let your contacts email you with it [my phone]@gmail.com and re-route to your website from it [my phone].google.com, as well as add fax send/receive to GV, then we'd be on our way to a truly global inbox and a single address. As I drifted from consciousness to sleep later that night, I pondered the other ways people contact you. And then it occurred to me, that Google could partner with the US Post Office. Someone could simply write your GV phone number in the Send area of an envelope. When the USPO's scanners see it, they they do a look up of the actual address, print it, and route the mail along. Or typing the GV number and a key word like home or work would route the mail to the correct address as listed in your Google setup. Finally, it occurred to me that Google was also in the Online Health Records...
Thoughts of a long time computer user
having fun watching technology trends.