I think it was from my father I got the saying, "That's the best thing since sliced bread." When I think that about a product or service, it is truly a complement. I felt that way the first time I obtained a word processor program, Sciptsit, on my old Radio Shack Model I. I was just two years out of college and I was giddy with joy, and wished I could go back and do college all over. Word processing would have made it so much easier. Other products that fall into the sliced bread category are Visicalc (and all the spreadsheets I've used since), email, the web, and of course Evernote. Now a new service has my attention. IFTTT.com , or If Then This Then That. With IFTTT I can build a Task that watches my Google Reader, and when I Star an entry, it copies the item into my Evernote account. Why would I want that? When I remember seeing something on the web, I don't have to first search Evernote to see if it is a link I captured with t...