No sooner does the holiday gift giving season end then the consumer technology manufacturers meet in Las Vegas to try and sell what they think we will want this coming December. Yes, CES, formerly called the Consumer Electronic Show, was held last weekend. This is an annual column, and reading past ones just underlines that we can’t expect everything we love at CES to appear. Or the products may appear and not find favor with the buying public. A couple of years ago 3D TVs were the rage. Did you ever buy one? Last year I wrote about the Code-a-Pillar, a toy caterpillar from Fisher-Price that taught elements of programming. We know one family that bought one, and we may buy one soon as a gift. Fisher-Price again this year has an intriguing device-- an upgrade actually to their Smart-Cycle exercise bike for kids. It has a holder for a tablet; previous versions required a TV. It comes with an adventure game with literary value, with others available...