Probably like many readers of this blog, I am forever surfing the web on my phone. I find more intriguing things to read than I often have time to read right then. Those, I save to Evernote for future reading. Sometimes what I find inspires a blog post here. Often, I just don't have the time. Starting today, I have a link at the top of the blog called Intriguing Links . It is a link to a shared Evernote notebook where I'll periodically move captured links I think readers might enjoy as well. My interests are varied. You'll find links for Evernote, productivity apps, history, tiny homes, and more. The list comes up in Evernote web, so it is searchable if you wanted to find say, just the Evernote posts. And to the PR people of the world, no, I will not add your site to the list.
Thoughts of a long time computer user
having fun watching technology trends.