With thousands, millions? working from home, video conferencing is the glue holding what office productivity there is, together. Thankfully at my job, we do not do video, only chat and screen share, but many are doing video. People are using the built in camera in their laptops, and the lighting in the room. And they look horrible. I watched an episode of TWIT.TV's now cancelled How-To series where Fr. Robert Ballecer, SJ, and Megan Morrone show how to setup an affordable video/audio streaming system for under $300. Some of the products they show are no longer available; they made the episode in March of 2018. They cover the fundamentals of setting up an environment that will make you look good to your colleagues. Their pointers start with the most critical thing, that most do not think about, good lighting. You can see the show here , and also links to the products they mention.
Thoughts of a long time computer user
having fun watching technology trends.