I did something stupid earlier this week. I imported a bunch of big image files into Evernote. I intended to put them into their own local, non-sync'd notebook. I failed to designate the notebook as local when I created it. In one act, my Evernote quota nearly maxed out with a week to go before rolling over. I had maybe 200K left. My first advice to anyone in the same predicament, is go Premium . In fact, you can invoke Premium for $5 a month, and then cancel it after the first month. Phil Libin, the Evernote CEO said as much in one of their podcasts . Premium would have given me 500 megabytes a month right then and there, instead of the 40 megabytes a month the free account does. I didn't for a variety of reasons. The thought occurred to me the week would be a good opportunity to find strategies and blog about them. Use them only if you can't go Premium. Premium is a great value, and Evernote richly deserv...