My Family Tech column this week was about the choices we have in browsers. I mentioned to my readers that I love Google Chrome and promised a blog post outlining my favorite extensions. I moved to Google Chrome full time a few months ago. Now that the latest release supports extensions, and there are many useful extensions out there, I can fully recommend Google Chrome for most people. With web access most people's number one use of a computer, your browser is a big deal. Changing it is akin to a sales company moving their CRM from Seibel to Salesforce, or a corporation converting their financials to SAP. Of course, it is safer for browsers. You can, and should, have multiple browsers on your PC. While I use Chrome primarily, I also have Internet Explorer 8 which I use for one mis-guided web site that seems to work only with IE. And I keep Firefox, my long time favorite, around too. I thought I'd review some of the extensions I've ...
Thoughts of a long time computer user
having fun watching technology trends.